Praises Along the Way- Danni's shoes

This morning I had to buy some stamps so I put my check in the orange postal envelope and prepared to go to the mailbox. I was looking for an easy pair of shoes at the front door just to slip my feet in so I could make the quick trip.

There on the floor were a pair of white Nikes with hot pink swooshes. I slipped them on and as I reached for the door I realized that they were Danni's shoes. "I can't imagine what it would be like to wear Danni's shoes," I thought to myself. I thought of the day I dragged her out of bed to go to the ophthalmologist. Hair all a mess up in a ponytail, she had put on a pair of dress pants because they were comfortable along with a sweatshirt, and those Nike shoes she had loosely slipped on her feet.

God must have kept back the flood of worry from overtaking me that day. When I look back, there she was in critical condition and I didn't even know it. I wonder how near to death we are every day and we don't even know it. We’re only alive because God, the Creator of the Universe, says so. God really has a way of revealing himself in times like these. Life and Death are in his hands. As a Christian, I don't fear death but God is making me so aware today through Danni's shoes that He is the One who holds the delicate balance in his hands. No wonder every life is precious to him. Like a thin, fragile, crystal prism that shines in many directions with myriad of colors when the light hits it. Beautiful. Even with the flaws, God loves you and has a great plan for you. You're precious to him. And so is Danni.

I guess what I'm trying to say is life is precious to God and so it should be to us. Say what you need to say to your loved ones today, never leave without saying goodbye, don't put it off – they may not be there tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for a beautiful reminder to say what needs to be said today.
Karen Unternahrer