October 31, 2008
Danni is having a good day. She seems to be feeling a bit better. I thank God for giving us the meds we need to keep her comfortable. Her lungs are sounding better and she's still eating and resting well.
For the first time in days her sugar has been below 300 so that's a good sign that she's healing too. I continue to stand firm in my belief that she'll be raised out of her sick bed and made well. We've had some awesome times of prayer recently as we laid our hands on her.
I'm confident that God has more for her to do and I stand believing no matter what things "look" like!(Hebrews 11:1) Faith is for right now! It is "now faith" not later faith. God is in her and he is far bigger (1John 4:4) than anything the enemy can throw at us, she is equipped with all she needs (Eph 6, 2Peter 1:3). God is for her who can be against her?(Romans 8:31) Not the "name"of cancer or pneumonia or any other thing that would seek to raise its ugly head.(Phil 2:10) They were all defeated on the cross with the stripes laid on Christ's back.(Isaiah 53:5)
Woo Hoo thank you Jesus! You are supreme! You are awesome in your power! I BELIEVE!
Its a Good Day.
Praises Along the Way--Changes
October 27, 2008
The weather is changing and while its getting colder outside the warmth of Danni's heart is still becoming more beautiful each day. She is a light burning brightly. Yesterday we had our time together with our family reading the word and praying. We talked about Hebrews 11, commonly known as the "faith chapter" and also chapter 12.
We discussed how we go through disciplines that increase our faith and cause us to grow closer to God. The word says in Hebrews 12:7 to "endure hardship as discipline" and that the discipline comes to those God loves (vs.6). When we had finished talking about these things we all went around and said what it was that we have learned in the past 9 months.
Jessi (15) was the first to speak and she said she had become very curious as to what God's plan was for her life. Atlee (10) said that he had learned that "we can't do the things that God can do." Matt said that he had learned more about God's love and mercy also that God is in control. My ideas were along the lines of what Matt and Atlee had said but Danni's were different. She said that she had learned to "trust God and never ever give up."
Nothing blesses a mom's heart more than to know their child has given themselves to the purposes of God wholeheartedly. If through all these circumstances of discipline Danni came near to God and fully gave herself to him then all the struggle and pain has produced a "harvest of righteousness" (Heb. 12:11). The word "discipline" used here does not mean punishment but in the sense that an athlete "disciplines" his body for the race to make it stronger. (Heb. 12:1)
I love it when the Lord brings his word into our lives and shows us through situations exactly what he means by what he has spoken. It's a beautiful thing.
Things are also changing with Danni's pain, it has increased and where she didn't have pain before now she has pain. It has moved from her right shoulder to her right ribs, at this point it doesn't matter what the pain is coming from our goal is to keep her comfortable so we've changed pain meds from the current ones she is taking to others that are much stronger.
She still has her sense of humor even with all she's facing. Yesterday I gave her a pill for her to swallow and she lifted her hand palm up to the ceiling. She was moving her arm up and down so I asked her if she wanted the head of the bed up higher and she said, "No, I'm dancing!" So funny!
I'm so grateful that she's home and that we live in a country where we can get the meds we need to keep the pain at bay, where she can lay in an air bed to keep her skin well, where people pull together no matter what walk of life they are from to give of themselves in such loving ways.
Lord, I thank you and I praise you for your love and provision for us! You are awesome! Your yoke is light and your burden is easy. Thank you for bearing the weight of this on your shoulders as it would easily crush us into dust. I praise you, I praise you, I praise you! You are good all the time!
More Praises Along the Way--Three Ring Minnick House!
October 24, 2008
The day started out like normal, up at 4 am to give Danni meds and then a breathing treatment. Check her sugar and get her a bowl of cereal then a big shot of insulin. A couple of phone calls from friends to see how the night went and if we needed anything.
I had a wonderful, encouraging phone call with more friends, lunch, more insulin and some pills for Danni. Danni’s doctor also came to the house with a nurse that had taken care of her at the hospital to check on us and listen to her lungs.
I caught a little nap before the aide came with the hospice nurse hot on her heals and then came the bed guy. We got Danni an air bed to help prevent anymore bed sores. There was only one problem, we had to get Danni out of the bed completely for it to be installed because the old mattress had to come off….here’s where the day got interesting.
The nurse, aide and I decided that we could try to contact the fire department to help us move her since she can’t walk or even sit up by herself. I called the chief and he said he’d round up some guys and be there in a few minutes. What an awesome fire department we have!
In the mean time, I started for Danni’s room when I heard guitar music. "Where could that be coming from?" I thought to myself. There in the corner was the mattress guy with Matt’s guitar. “Ok, whatever, go with the flow” I thought, I was glad he felt comfortable enough to play. I come from a family of musicians and Matt is a musician so I understand how that all works, instruments are irresistable to them!
By that time the six, or was it seven fire fighters had arrived with back board in hand. We bundled her up in the sheets on the bed and lifted her over enough to get her on the board. Then the guys belted her in for her “magic carpet ride” and lifted her off of the bed.
The nurse, Danni’s step-mom and I grabbed the old mattress and took it off the frame. At which time the mattress dude did his thing with the new air mattress. God had provided again, man, he’s good!!
She lay on the backer board with the fireman all around holding her in midair until the mattress guy was done. Then they laid her gently back on the bed and carefully took the board out from under her. The “carpet” had landed and Danni was safe in her bed again.
In an instant the firefighters were out the door and the aide and nurse where finishing Danni’s bath. I had to crash so I told them I was going to go sleep. The aide did my dishes and washed Danni’s bedding as I rested.
I lay in bed and thought about the events of the day, and the day wasn’t even over yet! How blessed we are, how truly blessed! Only in Topeka, small town America! We are truly blessed here in this land!
The truth is these firemen have been out to the house countless times ready and willing to do all they could for us and I want to acknowledge their compassion and dedication, they are a great bunch of guys and Topeka is a better place to live because of their service!
Not only all this but a hot meal was delivered to our door around dinner time with some yummy chocolate brownies and ice cream! Oh help me Jesus!
I was once again blessed beyond belief!
Father, I thank you for all you are doing in our community, thank you for these guys who dedicate their lives to serve for little to nothing in return. Thank you for sending us such good people to take extra special care of Danni from the aides to the nurses, doctors, EMTs and firemen. Thank you for all the love you’ve poured out over our family.
You are faithful and I can hardly wait to see the good things you will continue to do, keeping every promise the word speaks. Father, in childlike faith I ask for a miracle healing for Danni and I acknowledge all the miracles we and the community have already experienced on this journey.
I believe you, Father, for your word says if we agree about anything we ask for it will be done for us by you! (Matthew 18:19) We agree and wait eagerly for you to respond, all for the purpose of more souls for the kingdom in accordance with the heart of your word. AMEN! AMEN! AMEN!
Praises Along the Way--Go Team!
October 24,2008
We had a good meeting with the hospice gals last night. I will have an aide that comes every day for 3 hours so that will give me time to get out or sleep whatever I will need.
Danni had a good day yesterday morning but she's sleeping quite a bit already today. I feel in the swing of things and God is giving me grace to do the all day all night thing. I feel rested and at peace. God is answering your prayers.
It has been good for the kids to see everyone working together as one troop, dad and step-mom, mom and step-dad, grandparents and step-grandparents, friends, neighbors, and community. They are learning invaluable lessons about life and living and loving your neighbor as yourself. Literal love lessons straight from 1 Corinthians 13 played out before thier eyes and they themselves are walking there too. Even though the circumstances are bad this is an awesome training ground not just for the kids but for all who are involved.
I would like to honor the grandmas especially; I praise God for them they have been a God-send to me. Doing laundry and dishes, visiting at the hospital and giving tirelessly of themselves. Early on my mom was here for a length of time and when she left Danni's dad's mom stepped up to the plate and has been helping since then. Even Danni's step-grandparents have been very supportive.
Pray for the grandmas today, would ya, pray that God's loving arms would be around them in a special way. Pray for special blessings upon them. They are the quiet ones in the background that need to be lifted up as well. Next week my mom will be back to stay for a while again so we look forward to her being here with us. Pray for her safe and comfortable travel as she's coming on the bus (18 hours straight, yikes).
I continue to marvel at the love God shows to us every day through all our family, friends and neighbors. I want to thank him that he doesn't leave us alone during these times but provides all we need through this remarkable network. It is a thing of beauty to behold seen clear as crystal in the face of adversity.
Labor of Love
October 23, 2008
Its been a long night and day but worth all the hard work to have her home. This afternoon the hospice people will be here to set her up in their system so hopefully I'll have just one more night of doing it alone, well, Matt was a tremendous help.
I've also gotten a lot of help from neighbors and friends. Running errands, helping me to change bedding and move Danni and even sleeping with cell phone in hand ready to run in the middle of the night if I need help.
What an awesome community God has placed us in and what an awesome group of exceptional people who put feet to their faith! They are even organizing meals for every other day for a while. I am overwhelmed with their loving-kindness. May God bless them abundantly as well as all of you who faithfully pray for Danni all day and even several times a day.
Coming Home Today!
October 22, 2008
Danni is coming home this morning by ambulance. She still has pneumonia but it seems the breathing treatments, exercises and antibiotics are keeping it from progressing too much.
We continue to wait for her healing to break forth like the dawn. Last night she was more chipper and for the first time in almost 2 weeks felt like being on her computer.
Last night, however, was pretty rough for her she had some trouble with panic attacks and didn't sleep very well. I'm hoping when we get her home she'll get more rest.
This time around I'll have the help of hospice so any thoughts of not being able to do this have faded away. Once again God is in control and he is leading the way. We wait upon him.
Thank you for your continued prayers.
Praises Along the Way--She's Got a Hand to Hold...
October 21, 2008
IS 42:5-9 This is what God the Lord says-
he who created the heavens and stretched them out,
who spread out the earth and all that comes out of it,
who gives breath to its people,
and life to those who walk on it:
I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness;
I will take hold of your hand.
I will keep you and will make you
to be a covenant for the people
and a light for the Gentiles,
to open eyes that are blind,
to free captives from prison
and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness.
"I am the Lord; that is my name!
I will not give my glory to another
or my praise to idols.
See, the former things have taken place,
and new things I declare;
before they spring into being
I announce them to you."
I found this scripture yesterday and it made me think of Danni. From the very beginning she said to me that "God would be there holding her hand all the way."
How perfectly this scripture speaks to that effect. It also goes on to say why he will hold her hand so as to be a light to the Gentiles, to those who don't know him. God wants to set them free from blindness, prisons and dungeons just as he has done for every one of us who have believed in him.
All through his Son and his Spirit doing the work within her; not that it has that much to do with her but it is according to his plan and his word for those who don't know him so that they can see him. He will have the glory in this situation!
Every day to everyone who encounters Danni she is a sign to them that life is short and that today is the day of salvation! People don't know how to react or what to say when confronted with mortality. Some push it out of their minds as some of you are doing now. Some are too distracted with the goings on of life to stop long enough to think about the end of life.
But God is speaking to us through Danni every day whether she says anything or not, he is in control and he is the giver of breath! Today, if you hear what he's speaking to you through my words, don't harden your hearts towards him. Confess to him your need for him and invite him into your heart; acknowledge him as Creator God of the Universe, acknowledge that Jesus is his son and that he died and was raised to life to save us and he will give you new life.
He'll set you free from the bondage of darkness, sin and shame. He'll bring you into his marvelous light out of blindness and free you from your prison and release you from the dark dungeon your life has become. I know this from experience for he did it for me.
If you think,"My life is okay, I don't need him or this," that's fine but Danni will still be here to remind you that life can change at any time and your life is in God's hands.
He decides if you will take you next breath. Are you ready?
Plugging Away
October 20, 2008
Danni is getting better is my confession of faith.
Here are some earthly technicalities:
Tests show that her white blood count is up a bit and she had a low grade fever during the night. The doctor is going to make some calls to a pulminary doctor and also he will address the stint issue. We think it has been in long enough (2 months was the max) and that maybe is causing the white blood count to come up.
In the mean time, we wait to hear what the doctors have decided.
Good News
October 18, 2008
From the Doctor....we are seeing improvement on her xrays! Praise God! He is healing her!
Peace and Quiet
October 18, 2008
Today Danni is resting quite a bit. I'm sitting in her room at the hospital and she's sleeping soundly as the oxygen hisses and bubbles in the background. She has a nice quiet private room for which I praise God.
She has been doing well on her breathing treatments and is comfortable.
Matt and I have planned to go on a date today to celebrate our 3rd anniversary. What a wild ride it has been! Nevertheless, I love him more each day. Danni's grandma will pop in on her a couple of times today to check on her as she lives here in town.
I think this will be a very restful day for Danni. And a very blessed day for Matt and I.
Blessings to you all as well!
Praises Along the Way--Rough Day But Getting Better!
October 17, 2008
The morning started out calm until my cell phone rang and it was Danni. Her step-mom was supposed to be with her but due to a migraine she could not go so Danni called to tell me that the doctor wanted to talk to me. He had moved on to his other patients so I jumped into the shower and while I was in there the phone tag began.
When I got in touch with the doctor he said that he was concerned about her. She had a pocket of fluid between her lung and the wall of her chest cavity. Oh man! I about dropped my phone because I was attempting to finish getting ready to go as I was talking to him. Thank God it didn't hang up!
He wanted to have a short procedure done where he would have another doctor put a needle through her back into the the chest cavity to draw the fluid off. He wanted to do the procedure in twenty minutes, I told him I'd be there within thirty and he said they would wait until then.
I tore down the stairs grabbing my things I wanted to take with me and ran out the door. I just had to get to Sharky. After a short drive, I was at the hospital and they took me back to the room where she was laying on a gurney in a dimly lit area with the ultrasound humming.
I went in and gave my things to a girl to take up to Danni's room, after a short time they began to sterilize the spot where the doctor would insert the needle. I stood beside Danni and held her hand. I prayed for her, I prayed for the doctor, I prayed and prayed.
It didn't take long for the doctor to be done and after a short x ray to make sure everything was okay she was taken back up to her room. She was amazing! God was there with his peace and comfort! She's so brave! He makes her brave, He makes her amazing!
Later that day a friend came to lay hands on her and pray for healing for her. Once again the presence of God was present with healing in his wings. That friend was not the only one to come and lay hands on her for healing this week.
Also, when I needed a boost, a ray, some confirmation to hold to what I have believed from the beginning God sent another friend who was miraculously healed of a brain tumor to give me a hug and testify to Danni. All this happened this week! I thank and I praise God for the way he moves upon the hearts of his people to bring encouragement to those of his children who need it, just when it's needed!
I believe and though I don't see with my eyes the healing complete, I proclaim my faith in this matter that God is faithful and he began the healing process with her today. I want to live by faith and not by what my weak and feeble earthly eyes see.
Now, join your faith with mine and speak faith about Danni from your lips as well! God is healing her! No matter what we see, God is healing her! Let's live the word and see where God takes us! Amen!
Nope Not For A While
October 16, 2008
Hello all, God must want her here for while because she now has a spot of pneumonia in her left lung. The right lung is about the same but because of the new spot he will keep her for two or three more days, do another xray and go from there.
Somehow we have to get her moving around but I'm not sure yet how that will happen as she has been in bed now for about two months and she is very weak. The respitory therepist told her step-mom that the only way to get rid of pneumonia is to get moving otherwise it won't go away.
I'll be talking to the doctor tomorrow to see if there is any therepy or anything that can be done. She had a better day today. She was feeling better and ate pretty good despite the news. Her spirit is still doing well and she seems peaceful.
That's all for now, I will update as always I know more.
Maybe Tomorrow
October 15, 2008
We have some good news and bad news...good news is that her legs had good circulation and no blood clots at this time. More good news is that the CT scan came back okay, she still has pneumonia but no pockets of infection.
Bad news is that doc wanted to keep her here another day because she's not over the pneumonia, she can't seem to cough enough to clear her lungs. So they will do a chest x-ray again tomorrow morning to see if she's improving and we will go from there.
She's also been sleeping quite a bit today and she isn't eating or drinking. I'm hoping when her food comes for lunch she will be ready to eat. If not I may have to get tough and at least get her to drink something.
She doesn't have a fever and her blood sugar is about the same as it has been. Her blood pressure is good and her oxygen saturation levels are great so maybe her body is just fighting the infection and that's why she's so tired.
Either way God is with her holding her hand and he is in complete control. This day is no surprise to him. and so we wait and rely completely upon his sovereign hand. What a great place to be, in the center of his plan for our lives in the center of his hand. We count it all joy and praise him, even when its hard. We have to...its what we believe to be the truth from the word.
Its not a brave front its simple faith and the grace of God.
Check, Check, Check
October 14, 2008
The doctor has been checking her today for blood clots in her legs and abcess places in her lungs. Danni is better and she may come home tomorrow. The ultrasound that they did on her legs came out ok with no problems and we are still waiting on the results of the CT scan.
Other than that she is still resting and eating okay. I will update again when I find out about CT scan results. I'm sure it will be the determining factor as to whether or not she comes home sooner or later.
Thanks again for all the prayers.
A Few More Days
October 13, 2008
Danni isn't recovering as quickly as we thought so the doctor will keep her in the hospital a few more days to watch her closely.
She's resting comfortably and she's sleeping quite a bit but she ate good since I've been here so we praise God for that.
Better Today
October 12, 2008
Danni seems to be better today, her doctor took out all her staples and stitches so that makes her feel better.
She will have a chest x-ray tomorrow to see how she's progressing and possibly come home if things are better. She will still need to be on oxygen when she gets home and will possibly have to do breathing treatments to keep her lungs clean.
Her doctor changed her pain meds to stronger ones and gave her something for her anxiety. She is resting well and hopefully she'll be home soon.
I have gained a lot of rest in the last few days as well so I praise God for that too.
Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers.
A Few Days Here Then Home...
October 11, 2008
Well, for sure Danni has pneumonia...again. She's getting good care here at the hospital and its nice to be closer to home.
Her doctor got her some stronger pain meds and something for her anxiety so she's had some pretty good naps in between visitors and breathing treatments and nurses checking on her. I'm hoping that she'll have a good rest tonight.
Thank you for your prayers. God is good, I praise him!
October 11, 2008
We had another long night, Danni had to go to the hospital (LaGrange) in the ambulance because she wasn't breathing very well. She was also having a lot of pain in her right shoulder and side. Our family doctor was gracious enough to stop by our house and do some evaluating before she went to the hospital and give some orders so that she could avoid the emergency room and be admitted.
We are very grateful for his help and that we had oxygen on site to help her breathe until we decided what to do. The doctor thinks she may have pneumonia again so she is getting breathing treatments every 3 hours and iv antibiotics, we expect that she will be here for a few days.
We're also seeing a lot of anxiety in Danni that seems to have just come on in the last few days. Of course she has been through so much lately that it is understandable but it does seem to be linked with her reasoning which is where the tumor was removed and the cancer is currently.
Hopefully, we can get her something to help with the anxiety. This is the first time I've seen this from her and it just makes me wonder if something else is going on. Please pray for peace for her it's very hard for me to see her upset so easily.
I knew there was a reason the Lord took me to Eph 6 yesterday. I thank him and praise him that he is in control and going before us to make the rough patches smooth and cast those mountains into the sea! Praise his Name!
Coughs, Oxygen and Armor
October 10, 2008
Last night Matt and I got away for a while, we went to Kokomo where I'm from to my Aunt's funeral. My dad's twin brother had lost his very best friend. I felt for him, I can't imagine losing my Matthew. He is truly the best friend I've ever had.
Danni's coughs are still there, I had a nurse come and check her yesterday before we left for the funeral and her oxygen levels were low so the nurse ordered oxygen for her. Her lungs still sounded good but as a precaution she thought it was necessary.
I'm glad she thought that way because I would much rather be safe than sorry. It seems that Danni is sleeping more and more. I'm sure this is all part of the process.
We are still waiting for her surgery wounds to heal before we can move on to other things like chemo and radiation. Honestly the only way to move her at this point is by ambulance so I don't know if chemo and radiation are even an option now.
We are trusting God and waiting on his timing for the miracle we need. Either way there will be a miracle; she will be ushered into the presence of her savior or she will be healed here on earth. We trust God for either and we pray for HIS will like he taught us to pray in Luke 11. We've done all we can do to stand firm and so we will stand just as Ephesians 6 instructs us to do.
We have the belt of truth (the knowledge of the truth of God that he works all things for our good because we love him and that no matter what God has our best interest at heart and he will never leave us or forsake us). Romans 8:28, Deut 31:6, 8, Joshua 1:5.
The breastplate of righteousness (that is the gift of God because of the blood of Jesus we are made right with God). Romans 3:21-26, Romans 5:15-20
Shoes of Peace on our feet (made ready for anything that comes our way because of the peace in our hearts). John 14:27, John 16:33, Romans 8:6, Romans 16:20, Philippians 4:7, Hebrews 12:11
We carry ready for battle the shield of faith (faith that God gives us for our circumstances that no matter what we see our Father is in control!) 2Corinthians 5:7
The helmet of Salvation (surrounds our head and takes captive every thought, we are saved if we have confessed Jesus as Lord and believe he was risen from the dead no ifs, ands or buts about it, it's a done deal! This is our position in Christ, we have the mind of Christ). Romans 10:9, 2Corinthians 10:5, 1Corinthians 2:16, Colossians 3:3
And last but certainly not least we have the sword of the Spirit in our hand (that is the written, inspired word of God that confirms everything I've just said....God said it and it is so!) 2Timothy 3:16, 2Corinthians 1:20
The armor of God is all about what we believe. It is what we believe that causes us to act certain ways in the face of our circumstances either with faith or fear; with patience or pride.
Romans 12:12 Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. These are my goals for each day.
Medical Update
October 6, 2008
Danni is still at home in bed. She has some coughing going on so we are watching for pneumonia. But as of yesterday her lungs sounded strong and clear, praise God!
Her blood sugar has been crazy all over the place between 150 and 400. She has a headache every now and then and is weak.
She can still play on her computer and color. She reads and watches movies. Her appetite is still pretty good on and off. She has had some stomach aches and heart burn to deal with but no fevers so that's good.
Other than that I don't see much change in her from day to day, we did increase her steroid again because she had a day where she was sleepy all day and couldn't stay awake, she also had a pretty bad headache.
It just feels like a big waiting game; everyday I wonder what this day will bring but I have faith in God because he is faithful and he won't let us down or leave us forsaken so we trust in him and in that find peace with the circumstances. He is in control! Praise God!
Praises Along the Way--Danni's Spirit
October 4, 2008
I wrote this on a particularly rough day in September. This is a testimony of God's grace and love. I hope you will see her as I do. I was waiting to hear from the Lord when to share this writing and it came to my thoughts today. God has his timing and someone needs to hear what it has to say. So this is for you whoever you are may God's blessings be upon you.
She is currently at home but was in the hospital at this time.
September 9, 2008
It was a pretty rough day for Danni and I, she was so weak it took 2 people to help her stand or move from her bed to the wheelchair or bathroom. I wanted to bring her home. I don’t want her to spend any more time at the hospital than necessary; she needs to be at home with her family. Five o’clock came and I said my goodbyes. “I hate to leave you here but I need to be with Jessi and Atlee too,” I told her. She understood but she wanted me close. It was so hard for me to leave but I didn’t know what else I could do.
The drive home was long; I just kept looking around at all the people in their cars. Some were smoking, most looked stressed out and empty. Some were talking on their phones and others looked ready to blow at the next person who crossed them wrong. I was exhausted by the time I got home, I tried to rest but all I could think of was Danni. I prayed that God would be close to her and that she would be able to feel his presence with her, heavy around her like a thick soft blanket.
I lay on her bed at home wanting to be close to her. I began to think about Danni’s spirit. “People should know Danni’s spirit,” I thought to myself, “people need to know that she is one of the kindest people I have ever known.” People need to see her as I do. So I began to write.
She’s so beautiful, so much love in her eyes. She possesses so much innocence. So deep and rich are her eyes. Silently she suffers, not wanting anyone to suffer with her especially me. She doesn’t want to disappoint me she says. She’s so sorry I have to do the things I do for her. She’s so amazing. Never thinking of herself but always of others.
No trouble should be made for her are her thoughts, I can see it on her face. I know she came to me from heaven. I wish people could see her heart as I do. It’s so big. It’s so big. Nothing compares, there aren’t even words to describe it.
She is so funny. “I’m not much entertainment for you today,” she said to me. “It’s okay, I like the quiet” I said to her. I don’t want her to be anyone but who she is, "No need to entertain, just be you." I tell her.
She’s the kind of friend that you can be with in a quiet room and you don’t feel as if words need to be spoken. Danni cracks me up too when she wants to, she can do it with just a chuckle. I love the way she laughs, so full and deep. She enjoys it.
She has such concern for others less fortunate than her. She’s full of compassion for others.
She can be ornery. She has a playful spirit and quick wit. She never ceases to surprise me with her thoughts. Where does she get this stuff? She’s so clever.
She’s fearless but fears sometimes. She's strong but weak sometimes.
Her hair is gone, her face is full, her body is stretched but her beauty is unmatched! I’ve never seen such beauty in all of my days on this earth! She is such a quiet spirit. Danni is such a gentle spirit. I will miss her deeply if God decides she should be with him but I will understand, she’s so irresistible, so charming and lovable my dear Sharky, my dear Danni.
Jesus, you shine so brightly through her my eyes can hardly bear it. Darkness is all around her and yet she shines, she shines. Oh, if I could only be like her, be like you Jesus I have so far to go. I’m undone with my thoughts today and tears stream down my face as I write this to you.
She’s so brave and she tries very hard, she pushes herself to keep moving even when her strength is almost gone even with great pain in her back. Danni always says thank you no matter what situation she’s in. “Thank you for helping me,” she says. She knows God will heal her, she has no doubt and she eagerly awaits his healing touch upon her. She gets frustrated at times but she turns it over to God. “I guess we’ll just have to trust God,” she says with determination in her voice. I’ve heard her say it more than once.
She has tenacity and endurance unlike I’ve never seen, all supplied by heavenly hands. He created her. He put these qualities in her for such a time as this; he gave her and continues to give her all she needs. He is all she needs, he lives within her.
She said to me when this whole thing started that God told her he would be holding her hand all the way and I’m confident he will keep his promise to her. How sweet it is to know she’s his child and he loves her far more than I ever could, she is in the palm of his hand and that is the safest place for a child of God to be.
Outwardly she’s wasting away but inwardly she’s being renewed day by day. Surely many crowns wait for her. She’s a true over comer. She is a true believer in Jesus. She has the victory. She is made whole. God’s Spirit lives within her and he is what causes her to be Danni.
Thank you, God, for allowing me to take such an honored position in your creation’s life. I am truly humbled, honored and changed forever for the good to have known her. What a journey this has been.
I love you Danni no matter what.