January 7, 2009
The alarm went off this morning to one of my favorite songs, Mighty to Save, this song grabs me and causes me to worship with passion every time I hear it. The truth in it is so powerful! I went downstairs to spend some time asking the Lord what he had to say today and he took me to Mark 11.
What a picture…Jesus rides into town on a donkey and the crowd goes wild. As I read the Lord began to reveal some things to me.
Mark 11:1-10
And when they drew near to Jerusalem, to Bethpage and Bethany, toward the Mount of Olives, He sent two of His disciples, and He said to them, “Go into the village opposite you. And going into it at once, you will find a colt tied, on which no one of men has sat. Untying it, bring it. And if anyone says to you, ‘Why do you do this?’ say, ‘The Lord has need of it,’ and he will at once send it here.”
And they departed and found the colt tied at the door outside, by the crossway; and they untied it. And some of those standing there said to them, “What are you doing, untying the colt? And they said to them as Jesus commanded. And they let them go. And they led the colt to Jesus. And they threw their garments on it, and He sat on it.
And many spread their garments on the highway, and others were cutting branches from the trees and were spreading them on the highway. And those going before, and those following after, were crying out, saying, “Hosanna! Blessed is the One coming in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!”
In my study of these scriptures I went to the Strongs Concordance Interlinear Bible that I found on the shelf, I must have picked it up on sale somewhere as it has a sticker on it that says $12.88. Oh if the world only knew the value of the things printed inside!
Anyways, in verse 1 looking at the words Bethphage literally in the Greek “ house” and Bethany meaning “date-house.” Jesus had a date to keep at this house; he was right on time with what God had planned.
Verse 2: “The colt on which no one of men has sat…” Only Jesus could sit on this new thing (the colt) that he was doing, He was in the place of authority and the new thing that was happening would be dictated by the Father’s will. There would be no bucking! I think it very symbolic also that his disciples were commanded to bring the colt to him.
How awesome that Jesus would give them a part in all that he was doing confirming his power to them just as he does us. We are the “donkey” he uses to make an impact on the people around us.
Verse 3, 5& 6: “Why do you do this?”… People will always question you when you attempt to do something for God. You can be confident of that because he asks us to do things out of the norm, out of the box. But Jesus told them how to handle these hurdles. He told them to tell the people that the Lord has need of it. The Lord is in control and if he tells you to do something he will provide all you need and it will be released to you. He will provide IF he has asked you to do it!
Verse 4: “The colt was tied at the door, outside by the crossway”… Here was this new thing God was doing tied by the door at a fork in the road. How profound. The colt was waiting at the entry (the door) and at a turning point in the road. A clear “road sign” that something awesome what about to occur.
Verse 7: “…they threw their garments on the colt…” Those clothes were important to them. These were the clothes that covered their flesh and He sat upon them…symbolically ruling over the flesh.
Verse 8: “…Many spread their garments on the highway…” Many were moved in their hearts to give the valuable thing to him, to give their all and to proclaim him as King over them but others cut branches from the trees, they weren’t going to go so far as to offer this man all that they had.
Verse 9: Regardless of where they were in their walk with him some in front of him and some behind they cried out! Literally according to the Strongs O save! Blessed is the One coming in position in authority and character with supreme authority! (Strongs numbers 2127, 2064, 1722, 3686 & 2962)
Verse 10: Blessed is the coming royalty, rule, realm into position in authority and character, with supreme authority, of our father David. O save in the heavens most supreme God! (Strongs number 2127, 2064, 932, 1722, 3686, 2962, 3962, 2257, 1138, 5614, 1722, & 5310)
Interestingly enough they speak of David as their father and not Abraham. David was a man after God’s own heart and the work that Jesus does in us makes us to be like the Father.
This whole scene is a clear proclamation before the literal fulfillment came in the natural that is before Christ was crucified and raised from the dead delivering us all to be like him in his kingdom in a position of authority with him. But we have to lay down our “coats”, our fleshly ways and give it all to Jesus the King of Glory to ride, rule, and reign upon.
I don’t know whether or not the people understood politically or spiritually what they were proclaiming but either way they were proclaiming exactly who Jesus was and exactly what he was sent to do! There has to be a proclamation of faith before the Lord moves in the natural. Over and over again in Genesis 1 the scripture says, “And God said….and it was so”.
The picture of the triumphant entry is so beautiful, so full of deep meaning and it seems that every word speaks more just under the surface.
Father, today I lay down myself, my “coat”, and all things valuable to me for you to rule over. Show me what my proclamation is today; show me what you want to teach me about speaking in faith those things that are not yet made known in the natural.
O SAVE! Supreme God! Take the place of authority in my life, rule and reign over every word, over every thought. I submit to your authority use me to the fullest to proclaim your Glory and help us see who you are and our desperate need for you. To you be the Glory…Amen!