2009 Blessings so Far...and Yet to Come!

2009 has been a blessed year for our family so far and I would like to share with you some of those many blessings. The pictures above say it all.
We had three milestone birthdays this year, Mallorie our oldest turned 21 (top left pic), Wes her brother turned 18 (also top left pic), and Jessi turned sweet 16 (middle right) which also meant that she would join her brother and sister and like them receive cell phone privileges. She was quite excited. It also meant that the money Jessi had scratched and saved went to buy her first car! She was so happy. Atlee had a birthday too and he is 11! (bottom right pic).

We took a wonderful trip to Florida in January and had a great time of bonding and fun (center pic).

My dad came to visit us and we had lots of good God talks while he was here. Mom is coming October 1-15 for her visit so we are excited about that. They do a tag team visit because they work together at their job and someone has to be there to hold down the fort. ( lower left pic, if you haven't already guessed).
The center bottom picture is a sample of the times we've spent around our little fire pit sharing stories, laughing and cooking hot dogs and marshmallows.

The other pictures of flowers are to show how God has blessed me personally by giving me wonderful smelling flowers all summer long. (middle left pic) and the petunias at the top of the collage grew by themselves out of the crack between the sidewalk and front step. It was interesting to me that Danni liked to nap here occasionally and I have a picture of her doing so. I feel the need to mention that I have never had white petunias, I always buy brightly colored ones. This was a special gift to me that meant nothing to the rest of the world but meant a lot to me.

In October, Matt and I will also celebrate 4 wonderful years of marriage...(those pictures are yet to be made:})

I thank you, Jesus, for all the many blessings that you have poured out on us up till now and I know that there are many more in store for us as we continue to walk in your ways. I want to acknowledge your hand that took ours and helped our family through such a dark time. You are an awesome, faithful God and I love you very, very much. May you be praised forever more. Amen

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So greatful for all your blessings. I'm sure that Danni has a huge smile on her face. What a great big God we have. Many more blessing to your family.