
April 10, 2009

The house is quiet this morning but the birds are singing loudly outside, from where I am sitting I can see the blaze of sunrise through the trees and it looks like they are on fire. Intense reds and oranges, it must be impressive to see in full view.

My thoughts are taken to the Psalms and the faithfulness of God. Many times David is delivered after he cries out to God and waits for his salvation. So many of the Psalms speak of our enemies surrounding us on every side and I never had this thought before today but it is so true.

Every day evil surrounds us and our enemies are on every side but the faithfulness of God is there protecting us and guiding us and caring for us whether we acknowledge it or not. He is there for us every day whether we appreciate it or not.

I admit that there are days when the circumstances of life drag me down and I am swayed to think this thing or that thing will make me “happy” and I forget about the eternal things. Joy is more valuable than happiness. Joy is the immoveable sustaining force who is Christ in us. The resurrection life of Christ pounds within me encouraging me every step o f the way, moving me ever near his heart and his throne.

As I was writing the scripture came to me about seeing through a glass dimly and I went to search for it online; I found it in 1 Corinthians 13:12…Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

I couldn’t see the magnificent sunrise this morning… only in part through the trees and this is how it is with the workings of God but some day like Danni we will see the whole picture clearly…face to face as the word says. I look forward to that day.

Today, Lord, I thank you for the joy that is you within me! Thank you that your light has dawned in my heart. Thank you for every breath you give me to praise you. Thank you for caring for me and keeping me in the midst of my enemies. Thank you for your faithfulness. Lock my eyes on you; captivate my attention as your beautiful colors rise in my heart. Amen.
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Anonymous said...

Where did you take this photo, it is stunning.

Christy said...

ooops got it off the internet but it is very beautiful! I thought about taking a pic of what I saw this morning but I was too late. :}

Anonymous said...

Christy--one is never to let for anything.
Praise our dear lord.
Happy Easter to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

I am a friend of Susie Frains and I have been reading your blog for many months. I have walked with you through your journey with Danni, I have walked with you through your journey to healing. You are truly blessed. The way you have stood so straight and strong and always Praise our God. I have a friend that I met in a Christian forum and she is hosting an online Facebook event that is for Christian artists, crafters etc. I have been drawn to ask you if you would like to submit your photography with a few words that show praise to our Father. If you are interested and would like to share this gift God has given you just sign into facebook. In the search block type in Arise and shine forth..when you get to that page go down to the right hand colum and click on Out of the Cave under the events. There it will take you to the page where you can add your photos or writings..There are other artists on there is a wonderful wonderful christian dancer what has a small video on it. I hope you do decide to upload your photo(s) as they are truly truly annointed..In Christ

Anonymous said...

Sorry Christi..gave you the wrong seach on facebook. The search should be: showing forth his praises ...then when you reach that it will be on the right hand side about half way down it says event and click on: out of the cave ...hope you join us..Blessings

Anonymous said...

Just read your comment on taking the photo ... sorry. I assumed it was yours....but still if you would like to add possibly something you are writing from your heart please do share it. Your writings are very annointed.