June 12, 2008, Praises Along the Way-Lucy's Celebration

Today I went to drop off all of the county records I had been accumulating every year that I worked for them. The laws have changed and because of that a portion of my job is gone. One I had faithfully done for 14 years. But, in saying all that I realize that once more God has a plan and a purpose.

Danni went along for the ride and we decided to party on the way home, mind you this was 10 o’clock in the morning. We were hoping that our beloved “Lucy’s” would be open and sure enough it was. I turned in and we went around the building to get in line.

After we got our ice cream, I know it was bad, we sat in the van watching vehicles whiz by on the road in front of us. We laughed and tried to convince ourselves that the ice cream was good for us and that it was good we were eating it so early in the day so that we could have time to burn off the calories.

Danni made her ice cream cone aerodynamic, so much so that I said, “That thing is going to fall over!” She laughed and took another lick in the same direction, that’s Danni for ya.

It’s so important to me these little insignificant moments with her. So many things I take for granted. Every day I try to spend some time with her and now that the majority of my work is over I’ll have more time, so that’s a good thing. Many times just sitting by her bed she gets me laughing so hard I’m crying. Every day with her is precious. But then again when you think about it, every day that we all have with our loved ones should be precious.

Brain cancer is only one thing that could take a life. We are a fragile lot. We may think we’re pretty strong but it’s God that gives us breath. Without his grace and mercy to us every day we’d be dust again.

Stop and think about your next few breaths……………………………...think about the fact that God is there supplying every one. How will I use these breaths today, to praise God and give him glory or to curse my fellow man, who is created in God’s image?

Lord, help me I am but dust, I need you with every breath. Thank you for these times when you make me aware of your presence and love with me. Help me to glorify you today and not take my loved ones for granted. Soften my heart and fill me to overflowing with your love. Thank you Holy Spirit for these thoughts and prayers. All glory to you.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you Jesus for Christi and
how she can make me stop and think about so many things that I take for granted.

Anonymous said...

That was beautiful.

....sadly, most humans do not think in those terms until they are faced with the "ultimate test". May God bless you and Danni and your family. May this blog touch the lives of many people, and may it help save those who might be lost. Your family is truly an inspiration!


Anonymous said...

amen Christy....you know how to put it.
I praise God with you that you have the time to be with your family and the pressure of the job is somewhat behind you.
I love you bunches and continue to pray for your family.....

Lisa :)